mardi 14 octobre 2014

The call of kimchi ❤

III 我的脾氣 My mood : drunk and happy!  
III 我現在喜歡的歌曲 My music of the moment :  Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) ~ SORRY, SORRY

(oh memories....) 

Yesterday, I've met one of my ex-classmate from kindergarden. Yeah, I wrote "I met" because when you are 3 or 4, you don't really care who you spend your time with, as long as that person as enough capacities to play with Play Do. Meeting my old friend after 15 years of separation made me realize that we had a lot in common and that my "KPop addict" period was not as bad as I see it today. We chat about lot of stuff (mostly scandals within the Kpop industry... because I really like it! haha!) and as we were in all those korean stuff, we dicided to go to have diner in a Korean restaurant. 

The restaurant was in a nice little street not far from the Great Market of Brussels. Actually, this street can bring dilemma in the most decided minds : there was a nice and cute little Japanese restaurant next to the Korean. It was like if the Korean were again at war with the Japanese but using, this time mor pacific weapons : sushis and kimchi. But the call of kimchi was too strong so we did not help but going to the korean restaurant and promising to the japanese that one day we would eat sushis and get drunk like Japanese salarymen on their restaurant. Cross our hearts and hope to die!

A restaurant called "Kimchi" won't serve you peanuts as apetizers. It would be very creative but and surprising but scarinng the customers doesn't seem to be the custom in Korea. They, indeed gave us two little bowls of kimchi as apetizers. Thank God we already had our bottle of wine because it was spicy. For me, eating spicy food and not having any drink around is like crossing the most arid desert of this planet.  And, trust me or not, kimchi tastes well with red wine. The kimchi was cut in different shapes (cubes and slices) and, actually, it did not change de taste at all! (suprising, isn't it?!) 

If you want to become my best friend, you should learn how to cook miso soup. Yeah, the miso soup of this restaurant might be a japanese spy from their neighbours but I have to admit that it was the best miso soup I've ever eaten in my whole life and heaven knows how many times I've eaten miso soup when I was in Taiwan! But this one was the best. ❤ There was tofu, mushrooms, sesame seeds, young onions and other stuffs. 
The (big) main course came after. I took a delicious vegan fried rice with kimchi. Two problems with that dish : not enough meat and too much foor for my little stomach. But I don't think that my critic is very constructive... Hahem... There was rice, a fried egg and, of course, some kimchi. The taste of the kimchi was a bit hidden by the taste of the rice but it however gave to the dish, a little spicy touch.
My friend took a bul... blu... b... something that begins with a "b" and ends with a "bogi"... or something like that (forgive my poor korean!) It looked delicious : a fried egg was lying on a bed of rice, vegetables and meet. Every ingredient has its own space in the bowl and it was for sure a pleasure for my prefercionist's eyes. The tragedy is that I did not have the time to take a picture because the waiter came and mixed all the ingredients with a souce that looked like ketchup. It was like Godzilla destroying Tokyo. She allowed me to taste this strange dish. Honestly, I did not really liked it because there was soy sauce in it and I am unfortunately not a big fan of soy sauce. The sauce was very spicy but I think it was perfect with the porc.

We ended the meal with a bottle of soju. We thought that it would be as strong as it seems to be in the korean tv series. Actually, it was like any cheap sake you could find in the Brussels' chinese supermarket. But we did not really care because both of us had a lot of glasses of wine and we were already feeling dizzy. A bottle of genuine soju would have made us do stupid things like drunk people often do.

It was a good night and I would definintely recomend this restaurant to all the asian food lovers of this earth! 


"Chez Kimchi" 
Rue de la Fourche 6
1000 Bruxelles 


samedi 11 octobre 2014


I'm far from being a sex-symbol. I don't put on makeup everyday and when winter comes, the only job for my clothes is to keep me warm, not to give me a fancy look. I'm from the category of girls for whom every other girls are pretty. My life is full of jealousy but I don't do anything to change that. Instead, as I grow older, I am starting to accept the fact that not being cute is not a social handicap. It is just some kind of challenge that I have to take up. Nevertheless, I don't make it a full-time job and I sometimes like my condition of "whatever my style is, I would still leave people indifferent" (except when I meet people I haven't seen for years... I usually like to make them think that I have changed a lot and I have become more mature and then, go back to the "natural me" when I get home.)

However, you may think whatever you want about the society controlling what people from each gender should love or do, I am a girl and I love makeup a lot. If I had more free time in my busy life, I probably would put on makeup every day and dress like a plastic (reference to all the fans of "Mean Girl"). I think, buying nice clothes or awesome makeup tools but not using or wearing them is like a Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I might have like 8 dresses, I would always prefer wearing the same old jeans with a t-shirt. And when I try a new creative style that took me 3 hours to think about, it is always a flop.

I have since my teenage times been fascinated by those japanese girls hanging around in Tokyo (before, I did not know what miracles can Photoshop do). For years, I've been wondering how to become like them and, at first, I came to the conclusion that they're gorgeous because they are Japanese and every teenager kows that Japanese people are awesome... then, I've met some people who, like me, were dreaming of becoming like one of those beatiful creatures and, actually... they nailed it. Everyday, I'm seeing on my Facebook's feed, pictures of some of my friends being perfect with their perfect lolita/decora/gyaru/whatever look. And I'm like unable to take at least one good selfie.

Anyway, any "look improvement" is, for me, like a level up in Cookie Run (you know, the fucking addictive game provided by the japanese chat app Line... OK, this reference is not good enough...), it means that it is hard to get but when you get it, you can enjoy it for a short period of time and then go back to normality. That is one of the reasons I made this blog : I want to show the world everytime I get a level up.

samedi 4 octobre 2014


III 我的脾氣 My mood : love is a bitch. 
III 我現在喜歡的歌曲 My music of the moment : 太妃堂TOFFEE ~ 斷

我在台灣的時候愛上了一個台灣人. 我以為在台灣會找到我的"白馬王子", 而且我以為他是個很太完美的男生, 不過我那個時候我卻沒發現愛情其實沒有那麼容易.我不告訴你們我怎麼認識他不過我可以告訴你們那是一見鍾情. 他陪我吃晚餐還看電影還有去好玩的地方. 我以為他也對我有感覺... 不過我太天真. 沒有正真愛我.其實我現在不知道為什麼我愛上了他.可能因為他是台灣人和我對台灣人很有興趣因為我喜歡台灣的文化和生活方式.

我本來以為亞洲人都一樣.我以為他們只是想要有一個西方男女朋友炫耀. 不過幾週以前我遇到了一個中國人. 我們首先討論正常人,不過我們以後開始 後來開始聊我們覺得我們的前男女朋友怎麼樣. 他以前有一個歐洲女朋友,然後他說這個女生沒有真正愛他. 他說他認為歐洲人都一樣 他們只要有一個亞洲男女朋友不過他們不愛上亞洲人

不一樣的是亞洲人很直 他們會馬上對你說很變態的東西. 如果跟我一樣很笨 你還會愛上他. 歐洲人比較狡猾 他們會說很浪漫的話, 會陪你很多浪漫的地方還是會買你很多東西...歐洲人比較...

不管我們從哪裡來的, 有人會用你對他們的感. 無論哪個的國家,總是會有人相信愛情不是一個嚴重的事情,總是會有人玩弄愛情,  所以不關心別人的感受. 我不是說每個人都一樣和種族關係是無關. 我是說這種關係需要很多時間, 互相了解, 尊重那麼愛情就能永久持續

vendredi 26 septembre 2014


我十幾歲的時候, 非常喜歡聽韓國音樂. 我覺得韓國的歌手又帥又有才華. 過了幾年以後就發現喜歡韓國男生的歐洲女生都很... creepy... 

我認識一些喜歡KPOP的女生, 她們都很恐怖 : 她們看見亞洲男生的時候就歇斯底里大發作! 不過那些女生不認識這個亞洲男生,她們很喜歡偷偷拍他的照片和. 

但他們喜歡他並不是因為是亞洲人.他們喜歡他因為他們都覺得他是跟韓國人一樣. 不管他是中國人, 越南人或日本人他們都不在乎, 只要他很像韓國人. 各位亞洲朋友們, 如果你們真的想有一個歐洲女朋友, 你們只穿韓國歌手一樣的髮型(和有的時候使用眼線筆! 哈哈哈!)

我看見這種女生的時候很生氣, 因為我覺得她們很笨, 而且她們不會尊重別. 都希望外國朋友先要愛他的文化, 不是愛他的. 而且在我的學校的中文系有很多喜歡韓國音樂的女生. 她們對中文和中國文化沒有興趣, 不過她們要學中文因為這是一個亞洲語言... Such nonsense... 

我覺得她們喜歡韓國歌手是一很好的事情, 不過她們應該亞洲不是只有韓國.

mardi 23 septembre 2014

Lady Gaga and Tonny Bennett's 'private' showcase in Brussels

III 我的脾氣 My mood : amazed by the fact that luck is not only for the others. 
III 我現在喜歡的歌曲 My music of the moment : Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga - Anything Goes (Studio Video) 

Have you ever had chance in your life?

I mean except from the fact that you live in a decent country, with a family, you have a house and food on your table?

The kind of chance that makes you realize that you are a REALLY lucky bastard?
Well, I experienced it yesterday. Let me explain.

Belgium might be one of the most unknown countries on earth. We (belgian people) can only give credit to our chocolate or beer to give us the fame that our country need. We are a little country lost in Europe between two giant which are France and Germany.

However, it did not stop the most weird singer on earth to come to one of the most unknown countries on earth to promote her new crazy musical idea during a very select show-case. Not to mention that Tony Bennett, one of the best crooner of the music industry since Frank Sinatra accompanied her.

Like everybody, I can sometimes be weird or even strange but it doesn't mean that I really like Lady Gaga's eccentricity. She's weird but in a creepy way. However, I have to admit that her voice is very interesting and her songs are catchy. That explains why, at first, I paid attention to the announcement of her Brussels' concert as much as I pay attention to the reproduction of the South African maggots which means that I did not care at all.

But life and people's behavior are often full of surprises.

My ex roommates who wanted a good excuse to run the town and spend the evening drinking in Brussels' bars proposed me to follow them in their attempt to sneak to see the concert. I agreed with going out of my cave. It was the first manifestation of the luck's spirit.

In the center of the town, we tried without hope to convince the security to let us access to the Market Square where the concert was taking place. Even our deary eyes and our clumsy begging did not convince the security. By luck, a nice flemish guy heard our claims and gave us 5 ticket for the concert. He was the second manifestation of the luck's spirit. We did not understand how he had them, we did not know if it was legal or not, but we did not care, we took them and enjoyed the feeling of being ones of the elected people.

I wouldn't have imagine that I would write it before but, I have to admit that this concert was a wonder to behold. The twist of Lady Gaga's music register was in fact, a brilliant idea. Jazz and blues really matched the beauty of the Market Square.

I did not regret going out of my cave.